Drug dealers arrested in Tbilisi

Two drug dealers got arrested in Tbilisi. About 1 000 pills of Subutex got seized as a result. The Ministry of Internal Affairs informed report.ge about the crime.

According to the agency, the detainees are Ukrainian citizens. They are facing between 8 and 20 years in prison.

"Employees of the Main Division for Combating Drug Trafficking of the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after conducting operative and investigative measures arrested citizens of Ukraine: M.K., born in 1998, and M.V., born in 1994, for attempting to purchase, store and sell a large number of drugs in Tbilisi.

The offense carries a maximum sentence of 8 to 20 years or life imprisonment.

The investigation revealed that the detainees were an organized group of drug dealers who planned to sell drugs through the so-called "putting method." The law enforcers seized the drugs prepared by them for sale placed in the appropriate locations as evidence. A total of 1 000 Buprenorphine-containing drugs Subutex got removed. During the search of the detainees' personal and residential apartments, methadone was also removed.

The investigation into the attempted illegal purchase, storage, and sale of a large amount of drugs launched under Article 260, Part 6, Subparagraph A, and Article 19-260, Part 4, Subparagraph A of the Criminal Code of Georgia," the Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed.