Alain Delon turns 86

Alain Delon turned 86 years old. There are few cases in the history of world cinema when an actor captures the attention of millions of viewers as soon as he appears on the screen. Alain Delon is an idol of many generations. He has a very successful acting career - a role in 73 films.

One of the sexiest and most talented actors in the world has won the hearts of many famous actresses. Romy Schneider, Brigitte Bardot, Rosalie van Breemen and others.

Delon also had a huge influence on the men's fashion of the 50s and 60s.

Alain Delon, born November 8, 1935, is a Scorpio.

"I'm a Scorpio, with a charming nature and a bad, lifeless character, which has caused me a lot of trouble in life. I am strict with the people I work with, but I am just as strict with myself," Delon said in an interview.

Alain Delon has given up on acting life. In 2004, he gave an interview to Paris Match magazine, where he explained his decision.

"I will not exaggerate if I say that I already belong to the history of cinema. There are 5-6 masterpieces in my works, so I am very afraid of disappointing the audience with any uninteresting role."