Art Gene Festival Program known

The Art Gene Festival has turned 18. The Sukhishvili's concert will open this year's festival at the Tbilisi Ethnographic Museum. 

At the Art Gene concert venue will also perform: 

Gaga Frani _17 July.

Reggaeon _18 July. 

Band ''Chveneburebi'' and Lela Nakeuri _ 23 July. 

Nino Katamadze _ 24 July. 

On 25 July, 33a and Niaz Diasamidze will perform at the closing Tbilisi Festival tour. 

Concerts will be staged on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for the first time this year. Different exhibitions, folklore concerts will also be held, and the Georgian dishes presented. 

The regional tour is set to take place on Pantiani lake on 31 July. 

Art Gene Festival is Georgian folklore and the amateur theatricals annual festival. It was established in 2004. Art Gene Festival is an initiative of Georgian NGO “Union of Art Gene”, formed by a group of friends whose mission was to identify problems associated with traditional and folk culture and find ways for their solution. The Art Gene group mainly consists of artists and musicians.