Nugzar Sharia elected as chairperson of Oscars jury

"I congratulate Georgia and Sharias on this success," writes Zurab Sharia, an actor at Rustaveli Theater on his Facebook page. Nugzar Sharia, a US-based filmmaker, was selected to chair the jury at the Oscars.

"As far as the" journalists "are not concerned about anything other than a political scandal and found an easy way to have high ratings, I can tell you that Nugzar Sharia was chosen to head the Oscars jury by a secret ballot on January 5. Steven Spielberg nominated him. Nugzar Sharia was invited to Uzhhorod and received an Oscar jury invitation in November. The election as the chairperson exceeded all expectations. Here is a story about my father on Uzhhorod TV. There is no Oscar discussion in this video. Congratulations father," writes Zurab Sharia.

Nugzar Sharia went on a tourist trip in 1970, in 1971 he sought political asylum in Paris. From this time on, he lived abroad.