Average monthly salary in business sector equals 1,227 GEL in Georgia

As the National Statistics Office of Georgia reports, in the first quarter of 2020, the average salary in the business sector totaled 1 227 GEL per month, and it is 75.2 GEL more than in the first quarter of 2019.

The average salary of women is 957.5 GEL per month, exceeding the f2019 first-quarter rate with 23.3 GEL.

The average salary in large business was 1 293.7 GEL per month, in average business - 1,404.9 GEL per month, and in small business - 1,035.2 GEL per month.

In Jan - Apr 2020, trade occupied the largest share (37.6%) in the total turnover of the Georgian business sector, followed by art, entertainment, and recreation (27.8%).

Process industries (8.9%), construction (5.8%), transport and storage (5.4%), the supply of electricity, gas, steam and condensed air (4%) are the next ones.

The other 10.5% includes other industries.