Best places to travel for vegetarians

The main problem for vegetarians and vegans during their journey is finding the food they can eat.

The Guardian offers the best cities in Europe that are perfectly acceptable for vegan and vegetarian tourists.

According to the publication, Rome and Florence are the best when it comes to vegetarian food. These two cities offer the most choices for vegan and vegetarian tourists in Italy.

After Italy, the publication gives preference to Spain, in particular Barcelona and Madrid.

According to The Guardian, London, the capital of the United Kingdom last year was named as the world's most vegan-friendly city, with fast-food outlets and expensive restaurants offering food without animal products.

30% of the population in the Swedish capital say they refuse to eat animal products in order to protect the environment. This means that in Sweden there are many food establishments with wide choice for vegans and vegetarians.

Budapest is known for its traditional Hungarian cuisine, but it has gone vegan-friendly in recent years.

According to the Guardian, Lisbon and Athens are also vegan-friendly.