Chicken price may increase by 20%

The regulation on chicken meat may cause an increase in its price. According to the new rule, the frozen chicken will be sold by a new standard in Georgia. It means that the product with higher than 5% composition of water will no longer be introduced at the market.

The Agricultural Ministry reports that the regulation represents an EU directive, protecting consumers.

According to the new regulation, the 5% volume of water will be allowed until 2025, while starting 2025, an international standard will be mandatory.

Under the international standard, the water volume in the chicken meat will equal 0 – 3,5%.

Importer Gigla Natenadze does not like the regulation. He says Georgia is too much market for such a restriction. According to him, consumers will experience loss as the product price will increase.

Unlike Gigla Natenadze, local entrepreneurs are satisfied with the standard. They say the rule will support the domestic production to compete with imported goods.