Construction of road from Rustavi to border of Azerbaijan postponed

A new road was planned to be built from the city of Rustavi to the Red Bridge customs checkpoint on the Azerbaijani border, but due to a lack of financial resources caused by the coronavirus pandemic, construction got delayed. The Acting Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Maia Tskitishvili revealed the updated information.

According to Tskitishvili, some projects will be postponed, including the Rustavi-Red Bridge and Rustavi-Sadakhli sections. Projects got delayed until 2023.

"We all have to deal with the deficit, which the Minister of Finance spoke about, and consequently compensate for the increased medical costs and the increased costs of the anti-crisis package. The work that we could have started on certain projects in 2021 will have to start later. The same applies to the Red Bridge and Sadakhlo sections, as we will not be able to start them until 2023," Tskitishvili said.

Construction of this section of the road and the improvement of the Sagarejo-Tbilisi highway are also in the center of interest and attention of the Azerbaijani side. Both sections are transit highways for Georgia and Azerbaijan.