Export grows by 2.7%

Under the preliminary data of the National Statistics Office of Georgia, the external trade flow (without undeclared trade) reached 12 834.7 million USD in 2019 in Georgia.

As the Statistics Office reports, the 2019 rate exceeds the 2018 indicator with 2.7%.

The exports rate out of entire trade flow includes 3 771.5 million USD (12.4% higher), imports - 9 063.2 million USD (0.8% less).

In 2018, Georgia's negative trade balance was 5 291.8 million USD (41.2% of the external trade flow). In the same period, the export increased by 5.7% (without re-export) and hit 2 352.3 million USD.

Cars export ranks first in the top ten of the items exported (686.7 million USD), followed by copper fields and concentrates (651.6 million USD) and ferroalloys (303.0 million USD).

As per the statistical data, the oil and its products represented the most significant import group in 2019, as the import included 757.0 million USD.