Georgia exported largest amount of potatoes to Azerbaijan and Russia last year

In 2020, 4,252.61 tons of fresh or frozen potatoes were sold from Georgia under customs code 0701, from which the country received 1,072.04 thousand dollars. Annually, potato exports from Georgia increased by 317.70 tons.

The vast majority of exports come from local exports, which means that Georgia has supplied to other countries, not imported potatoes, but products of Georgia.

The most significant amount of potato exports went to Azerbaijan and Russia.

Last year, 2,130.48 tons of potatoes worth 319.06 thousand dollars were exported from Georgia to Azerbaijan. Compared to the previous year, the data is significantly reduced. In 2019, Georgia sold 3,212.35 tons of fresh or frozen potatoes worth $ 573.86 thousand in Azerbaijan.

As for the second-largest market for potato exports - Russia, last year Georgia sold 1,663.59 tons of potatoes there and earned almost twice as much as 669.14 thousand dollars compared to potatoes exported to Azerbaijan. Data are significantly increased on an annual basis. In 2019, Georgia exported 57.3 tons of potatoes worth 23.5 thousand dollars to Russia.

Last year, Georgia supplied potatoes to a total of 17 countries.

USAID helps Georgia to increase potato yield.