Georgia getting ready to lift restrictions on domestic tourism

Georgia is opening its domestic tourism on June 15, and resume regular flights inside the country as well.

As the National Tourism Administration reports, the private sector is ready, and the Health Ministry has developed all recommendations and guidelines tourism facilities should follow.

Administration Head Mariam Kvrivishvili says Georgia should be careful.

''Domestic tourism has always been one of Georgia's main strategies, but today, the increase of tourist flows is becoming more important,'' she says, adding that every citizen of Georgia can now support it.

''Georgia has been recognized as one of the safest countries,'' she claimed, adding Georgian nationals have many places inside Georgia to visit.

''We will do everything to encourage people to travel in Georgia, and fully follow the norms and regulations over COVID-19,'' Kvrivishvili said, adding the government has already agreed on all recommendations with the private sector.

In Kvrivishvili's words, the government has also developed a training project to introduce the regulations in practice efficiently.