The new governmental regulations to protect the market

The government of Georgia works on the new regulations project on the non-organized production of food products and livestock forage.

Starting from January 1, 2020, the non-registered physical bodies involved in organized food production, processing, and sale will become subordinate to the state control. The state control does not refer to the physical bodies engaged in family level food production, processing, and sale in small volumes. According to the project, such physical bodies will be given the status of the non-organized producer. The regulation defines the criteria that correspond to the status.

The non-governmental organizations, the branch associations and representatives of the business sector met to discuss the issue at the National Food Agency. The participants emphasized the importance of the regulations in maximum control over the food products available in the market, the protection of the consumers’ interests, and health, the effective functioning of the market, and the creation of healthy competition among the business operators.