Turnava about the importance of the civil aviation infrastructure

Natia Turnava, the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development addressed the International Aviation Day event participants. She talked about the civil aviation infrastructure development.

“The Kutaisi International Airport expansion and new terminals’ construction works are almost completed. It will increase the capacity of the airport 4-times reaching unhampered service of 1200 passengers per hour”, - she said.

She also mentioned the expansion works conducted at Batumi airport, the terminal of which was expanded by 3300 sq. m. of space.

“Batumi is facing serious challenges due to the increased number of visitors. But it is a pleasant challenge which we have to face together with the partner company”, - said Turnava.

She also emphasized the topic of internal flights’ stimulation. In particular, after getting the task of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Civil Aviation Agency has selected around three hundred places the country-scale to arrange the helicopter take-off sites for touristic flights, sanitation, rescue, and air works and services.