Astrological Forecast for August 27

The Moon is without a course from 16:00 until 21:37; respectively, the activities in this period are unproductive. Medical manipulations are not recommended.


You might have to temporarily take your colleague's responsibilities or engage in work beyond your competence and experience. Do not worry; you will manage it in the best way.


You might need to change the plans and the schedule, depending on the circumstances. Re-schedule your tasks and try to be flexible.


Lay aside your job… it is desirable for you to visit your friends, parents if they leave separately. Spare no love for them, show your feelings.


It is recommended to spend time with somebody. Expect many exciting developments today; do not exclude a little adventure. The period will be unforgettable for you.


Unexpected and delightful surprises and situations will bring a sound income and changes in your life.


You feel comfortable everywhere. It is a time of joyful meetings and events. All work for your benefit.


Finance becomes an urgent issue at this stage. Avoid problems with law and law enforcers. Mind details. Be content with matters as they stand.


Act, your intuition will dictate how to solve the situation. Trust yourself and your abilities.


You are facing something new as if the time has stopped. Your main task is to make the first step, start to talk. Start, please!


Be cautious and patient. Be focused on the roads, no matter driving or walking.


Certain problems and discords are expected. Do not slattern relationships and contacts, accumulated during the years


Please do not ignore the conflict situation, try to get to the bottom of it. The constructive discussion will solve the conflict. Remember that bitter truth is better than a sugar-coated lie.