Astrological Forecast for August 5

The Moon is without a course from 01:45 until 06:28; respectively, the activities in this period are unproductive. Medical manipulations are not recommended.


Watch the development, use your experience, knowledge, and make corresponding conclusions; refrain from starting a new business or job.


Take care of your image, health; surround yourself with like-minded people; plan an event for relaxation in the fresh air.


The current situation might result in squabble and dispute; take the responsibility and add more life in the issues that bother you.


It would help if you had more foresight and effort today. The clear perception of reality might help you to undertake the right actions. Compromise is recommended if necessary. Be quiet and watch the developments.


Success in love affairs is ahead; plan a meeting. If you are offended by somebody, it is the right time to make up the quarrel without hesitation and useless ceremonies.


It is the time for decisive and pleasant changes, but emphasize the spheres of your competence, which you are sure will bring success.


Specific changes are expected to bring success. Be done with misunderstandings. New romantic meetings are ahead.


You are likely to start a new business that will become fully operational in a period and bring success.


It is the right time to plan the future, after you gain the insight into yourself and foresee barriers on your way.


Seek out reliable people and partners; do maximum to establish a harmonic and right understanding that is based on moral principles.


Filter and deal only with reliable and competent people in business relations. Ignore tempting offers since most of them are losing businesses.


A casual attitude towards your job or quick decisions might cause mistakes with corresponding consequences. Be more careful and reasonable.