Astrological Forecast for August 9

The Moon is without a course from 23:50 until the end of the day; respectively, the activities in this period are unproductive. Medical manipulations are not recommended.


It is the best time to start a new physical activity; you can show the best of you, even in critical situations, and help your inmates solve their problems.


It is the appropriate time to visit your friends and inmates, spend time in a summer cottage, and contact nature. Be cautious with electric appliances since there is a risk of some might get out of order.


Be watchful and cautious; you might lose your mobile phone, keys, or an important document. There is a probability that a secret might be unraveled.


You might need to show your will power and tenacity to prove you are right. Rationality and self-competence will bring you victory.


Invite your friends, share your ideas and avocations with them, and listen to their feedback and ideas. The thirst for new experiences will add energy and opportunities to you.


Take time to communicate with your friends and relaxation. Proper sleep and rest will fill you up with energy for the next week.


Anxiety and commotion will affect your mood, and the tense situation deprives you of your energy. Try to engage in something exciting and forget the routine trifles.


Please get rid of old items from your house and pay your loans; it is the right time for physical activities, and avoid risky acts and over-fatigue.


It is not the right time for changes. Spontaneous decisions regarding relationships are ineffective and purposeless.


The day is dedicated to problem solutions; several issues related to your plans, priorities, and needs might arise.


Forget old frustrations, grueling days; think of novelties, new ideas’ materialization.


Something very essential might happen today. It will not only last for a long time but will also bring a serious and stable result.