Astrological forecast for May 16, 2021

The moon is in the sign of Cancer and increasing. 


Tidy up space around you and complete the work you have begun. Working from home will be incredibly productive. To be more effective, polish your new goals and plans.


Today you will stand out thanks to your diplomacy and flexibility and find a way out of any problem situation. It is a great day to resolve any misunderstandings.


Away emotions! Today, you will start revising your income and expenses; perhaps you will also find a new source of income. It is a good day for budgeting. Today, your practical mind will put you on the right track.


Refrain from being blunt and critical, restrain your emotions, and avoid contact with hot-tempered people. Show restraint in your interactions with others.


Setting goals are reasonable. But it's even better to see how, through our efforts, dreams become a reality.


Today, for business success, it will be necessary to find non-standard ways and means. If you turn a meeting with friends into a theatrical performance, you will be remembered for a long time and in a positive way.


Throughout the day, you will be thinking about solving work problems. Time will not be wasted, and you will complete all tasks.


Activity, practicality, and creative persistence will help you overcome any difficulties. Thanks to your quick-wittedness, you will "deal" with your competitors in such an exciting way that they will not be able to recover from such a surprise soon.


The chosen path and the mind that is maximally attuned to it will not allow you to stop. Therefore, try to control your words and emotions better when communicating with like-minded people. You may be asking too much of them.


Today you have to think, act and make decisions at a fast pace. It may be unusual for you, but you will be gladdened by realizing how much you are needed and valuable for loved ones.


The time for dreaming is over. Start thinking about the future and decide specifically how you need to act. However, this does not mean that you need to forget about the present and people who need care and support.


Your self-confidence and belief that you can overcome any difficulty on your own will help you accomplish the impossible. In addition, you will not be bothered by other people's opinions and ratings.

Astrologer Keti Odisheli prepared the article.