Astrological Forecast for September 21

The Moon is without a course from 22:13 until 23:32; activities in this period are unproductive. Medical manipulations are not recommended.


You might ignore the interests of other people and reality over the ambitious plans of today. It is not late yet to act rationally and correspondingly assess the situation.


It would be best if you had positive emotions after having dull days. Pumper yourself by buying something new. Be optimistic.


The situation is gradually improving. All blur issues are clarifying. Boldly continue the way and plan the desirable future.


Breathe a sigh of relief, but still, be cautious. Do not shoulder other people’s burdens; be rational in gaging your strength and capacities.


It is not the right time for modesty. Some people are in opposing your success. Do not underestimate your importance and business qualities. Your industry and responsiveness deserve appreciation.


It will work if you articulate your requirements directly. Do not wait for others to guess what you want; shape up your ideas.


Focus on current developments. Do not miss minor pleasant situations and be grateful to the people that surround you.


You might engage in activities related to the social net for a long time or start long-term relationships with somebody. It is the right time to take the information you get seriously. Filter and focus only on real and healthy contacts.


Be flexible and diplomatic. Do not rush with advance explanations and assertion of people; “double standards” is not a vantage point. Ensure that your effort will be valued.


You might carry a hard job today; there is a real probability of promotion. No need to give a good deal of thought, you will manage everything. All you need now is to mobilize your energy.


Avoid rude and negative people. Do not let anybody spoil your mood by making reckless comments, though all such attempts are useless.


Be bold, brave, pushful, and dare to break the rules of the game! Be pro-active. Wake up, reschedule your plans, change the strategy.