Astrological prediction for August 4

24-25 days of the moon. On this day, there is a chance that all misunderstandings will disappear completely, and events will turn around for the better. Even the most challenging problem can be solved at the last minute. Moon in Gemini, until late in the morning, tends to be sociable. If you do not fully understand any of the issues, it is better to trust fate; this day is definitely worth trusting fate. Try to bring lightness and variety to your routine. Do not start new important issues.


Calmly follow the current events and try to stay unnoticed. Do not joke, do not spend energy on trifles; on the contrary, gather strength and prepare for the news.


Be careful not to tell, and moreover, do not deliberately reveal anyone else's secret; otherwise, you may find yourself in a network of intrigue by your own negligence.


Be careful and try to identify the world with hints, understand dreams and maybe find the necessary answers to the important questions for you to act in the right direction.


This is a period of discovery, ascension, and more meaningful preparation that will come with the passing of the sun in the Cancer zodiac. Enjoy life and prepare for new challenges.


It is a busy day, meetings, conferences, unplanned business negotiations ... 24 hours a day is not enough to get things done and a little rest. Mindfulness and agility are what you need.


Do not blame anyone for your failure, be patient and organize important matters wisely, understand each step and act prudently.


Unplanned meetings with different people, companions, your business partners are waiting for you. With moderate tactics, perseverance, and fair demands, you will definitely achieve the desired.


Today will end carefree. There is peace inside and outside. Job misunderstandings are easy to resolve; you may even be a little surprised by the family idyll in spite of everything.


Problems in personal-love affairs may manifest themselves, be patient and be more charming ... Wait for a better moment and do not rush to make decisions.


There is a possibility to impressively reveal the original qualities of your character, non-standard thinking, and deserve proper praise from colleagues or friends. Life is beautiful...


Get rid of all unnecessary things, establish order around you, get rid of annoying thoughts, get rid of every old and useless thing from your space, your mind, your personal life, or in general.


Take the easy steps with everyday life; now is your time; however, there is so much calmness around that you can come up with some interesting and insidious tricks to entertain those around you.