Astrological prediction for January 28, what is in store for you

The moon is in Leo (from around 07:00).

The moon phase is in the peak at 23:16.

The moon is void of course from 00:01 till 06:54. Making important decisions in this period of time or undergoing medical procedures are not recommended.


You may refuse to perform assigned responsibilities and ask others for help to do everything on time.


You are in a warm and pleasant atmosphere today, and it fills you with positive vibes. Thanks to your honesty and sincerity, you may win the hearts of previously ill-disposed people.


You stand the chance of achieving impressive success thanks to your knowledge or gain a new acquaintance who will significantly affect the future course of events.


Be careful with financial aspects, whether it be important purchases or investments, as you stand a chance of incurring losses.


You will have to take the initiative today and manage the situation. Act as you stand a chance of proving that you can resolve all issues.


Some people may try to lead you by the nose and involve you in some affairs. Be firm and avoid suspicious people.


You may easily make people support your ideas today. Your intuition will also be on point today, and you will easily smell a rat and sense fake people around you.


Try to develop professionally: acquire new skills, obtain necessary information, consider wise advice and rest on your laurels.


Your charisma will allow you to attract like-minded people and get desired results. However, be mindful of your actions, as lots of people will be jealous of you.


Thanks to your connections, you will easily attain your objectives and perform your duties well.


Discuss ideas and prospects together with other people. A well-formulated strategy and healthy relations will help you gain victory.


Do not refuse to help others. Be patient, and do not find it troublesome to exchange your life experience with those who need this.