Astrological prediction for Mar 20, what is in store for you

The sun is making its transit in the zodiac sign Aries.

The moon is in Gemini.


Set new goals, take bold steps to attain them, and keep your plans under wraps.


Try to materialize your plans and rely on your experience. By doing so, you will manage to find a way out of the situation in which you are. Refrain from dealing with lots of people to avoid conflicts.


You may get involved in a conflict with neighbors. Unless you plan to change your flat, try to diffuse tensions.


Use your imagination, be persistent and 'bloom where you are planted.' Flexibility and reasonable compromises will help you emerge victorious in any situation.


Choose to be a romantic person, and use your charm. If you are single, try to enliven your everyday life.


Do not isolate yourself from everyone, but avoid hypocrites. Banish negative thoughts and deal with your loved ones more.


Unexpected situations and unplanned expenses may spoil your mood today.


Bring about changes in your life, and dwell deeper into yourself. Unlock your potential to climb the career ladder.


Seek connections and restore broken ties. Try to win the hearts of influential people, but avoid being excessively open and sincere.


You may get unexpected financial assistance. This will help you resolve your problems more easily.


Control your emotions, and realize your plans later. Avoid performing tasks related to financial resources.


Focus on principal issues, and check any information you receive. Only after doing so, make decisions. Try to be in harmony with yourself and everyone and everything around you.