Astrological prediction for Oct 2, what is in store for you


A lot will depend on business partners, out of who some people are not fine with you moving forward. A great day for fighting against your complexes and phobias.


A great chance of betrayal and arguments. Any trifle may make you lose balance now. Be careful behind the wheel.


Uncertainty will bring chaos to everything. A very changeable day is ahead. The situation is changing around you in the blink of an eye.


If you exercise caution and choose the right strategy, you will easily do many important tasks and deal with old issues.


You will find it difficult to avoid thinking about the past, with this preventing you from focusing on the present situation. Try not to harbor anger and bitterness.


Your critical remarks may result in conflicts. Refrain from active interactions and negative remarks not to make the situation tense.


Make adjustments to your business affairs. Keep an eye on old agreements, business letters and work on rectifying past mistakes.


It is recommended that you verify all information you receive now. Use reliable sources for this purpose.


Avoid misunderstandings and lies. Care about your spiritual wellbeing: pray and repent.


Pay attention to the manner of speaking and think about what you intend to say. Understanding you is now a bit difficult for people, and this may cause annoyance and hard feelings.


You may have to tackle your relatives' issues. Pay attention to how well your vehicle and technical equipment work.


You may receive unpleasant information from abroad. Avoid long-distance trips now.