Astrological prediction for Oct 8, what is in store for you


If you think you are distracted, try to avoid multitasking. You may fail to deal with several challenges at one go and produce desired results.


Talking you into anything will now prove hard. Tensions may get high, and your extraordinary actions may complicate the situation for you.


Do not show dissatisfaction with the people around you. Be flexible and try to take reasonable steps.


Do not try to try to come up with extraordinary approaches to issues you are dealing with; apply traditional methods instead.


Spend more time on your appearance today. Your clothes and accessories will be the focus at planned meetings and negotiations.


Do not undertake excessive responsibilities; not everything is as easy as it seems.


Put yourself in someone’s shoes sometimes. Enable others to demonstrate their capabilities without passing judgment upon them.


Do not allow others to provoke you, notwithstanding who they are. Everything will soon change for the better.


You will succeed in expanding your business and may even attract new business partners, with this helping you increase your revenue.


Do not over-assess your capabilities and listen to your friends’ advice. By doing so, you will avoid issues.


Follow your heart and ignore others’ critical remarks. Introduce some changes to your house settings.


Try to complete your tasks on time and take swift action. Ignore trifles.