Astrological prediction for October 6

1-30 days of the moon. The new moon will create a balance of interests in Libra. It is important to defend your rights without offending others. A new stage in the search for forms of negotiation, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence is brewing. Many things are determined by the position of a particular person: a bold public move, a witty argument, harsh criticism, a resonant statement. Particular importance will be given to the opinion of the lawyer, mediator, negotiator.

Conflict, disgust, sarcasm, and intolerance can spoil the effect of constructive initiatives. Agreements will not be final—a busy day for politicians, journalists, commentators.


Be careful and do not miss out on good opportunities. Be active. Today you can change your life for the better.


It is advisable to avoid the daily routine and be alone in a calm environment, think about what is happening around you, listen to your emotions, and you will definitely find answers to all the necessary questions.


You can easily gain the support of those around you with a positive and uplifting attitude. It is the best day for new encounters, relationships, and creativity. It will bring you joy to walk beside the people dear to you.


If you put your energy in the right direction and take confident steps towards a worthy goal, you will succeed in fulfilling any ambitious plan.


Do not jump to conclusions; maybe a seemingly unpleasant circumstance or situation will be replaced by luck, and the situation will thus give you a pleasant surprise.


Today, obstacles and difficulties will only fill you with speed and excitement towards the peaks and push you to win over your competitors. Your fighting attitude is also the key to success.


People may come up with an interesting suggestion. Think carefully; it is desirable to find information about a new case; it may be something secretive and not so useful.


Do not attach too much importance to minor misunderstandings, and do not delve into unpleasant details in the relationship. Making mistakes now can upset your spiritual balance and make you regret your actions in the future.


Suddenly you may receive a gift or a significant amount of money; you may be offered or promoted to a new position; however, you should pay maximum attention as you will not inadvertently damage your reputation.


It is advisable to deal with misunderstandings with people close to you and do not procrastinate in clarifying situations in the future. Be assured that your words and feelings will be properly understood and perceived today.


Follow the principle - "Measure seven times and cut once," hasty actions and decisions will not have a positive effect on your business and will be wasted work and energy.


With your purposefulness, insight, and courage, you will successfully cope with any difficult task. Your action in any direction today is effective.