Astrological prediction for Sept 24, what is in store for you


Assign hard tasks to others for now. Try not to judge a book by its cover; do not pay too much attention to people’s ranks and titles.


Refrain from involving yourself in conflicts; neither do you take sides. Try not to insult people.


Do not pay excessive attention to others, and find more time for yourself. Avoid giving advice to others _ they do not listen to them anyway.


Some people may provide you with important information. Listen to intelligent people.


Good day for sports and recreational activities. You may find a new source of income.


Take off your pink glasses and get rid of illusions; face reality and see people as they are.


People will pamper you with gifts and surprises; your loved ones will give you a gift of warmth and care. Enjoy life.


Stay out of conflicts, and ignore rumors. Pay attention to the behavior of the people around you, and you will see through them.


You will meet interesting people and gain experience. Some of you will succeed in realizing your ideas.


Avoid being over-organized; this may prove counterproductive. Pay more attention to financial issues.


Do not ask questions for which you do not want answers as they may hurt you. Focus on your health. Some of you will join gyms.


You may realize an idea that occurred to you years ago. Refrain from being over-ambitious. Do a job that will bring well-being to you and your family.