Daily Horoscope 17 Dec 2021 - Astrological predictions for zodiac signs


March 21 to April 20

You may not change someone’s attitude overnight, especially with Venus’s tie to powerful Pluto ongoing.

The more you try, the more they might resist. A logical approach could help but don’t count on it.

Need something to lift your spirits? Friends are there for you.


April 21 to May 21

If you’re going to accomplish a major goal or objective then you’ll need to be tough.

This is not the time to beat about the bush.

An intense aspect could help you to focus on what concerns you most and on the decisions you’ll need to make.


May 22 to June 21

The temptation to force something before it’s time isn’t ideal.

A powerful Venus-Pluto line-up can see the heart ruling the head.

Even if you know your actions aren’t logical, you might still continue. The pearly Moon’s link to Saturn encourages you to look at the facts.


June 22 to July 23

No matter how close you are to someone, you don’t have to take on board their dip in mood.

The Sun’s aspect to upbeat Jupiter suggests an optimistic approach could override their negative mindset.

Your buoyant energy can act as a pick-me-up that works like magic.


July 24 to August 23

Make sure that others know what you’re capable of. The developing Sun-Jupiter link suggests that even the smallest efforts at promoting yourself can bring a positive response.

If this is the case, just think what might happen if you put in more effort and really sell yourself. The future looks brighter for you.


August 24 to September 23

The Sun’s tie to Jupiter suggests a situation may not be as bad as it seems.

If you’re willing to rise above it and take a philosophical perspective, you could come up with an excellent solution.

Still, emotions can be intense so you might find that challenging but the answer isn’t out of reach.


September 24 to October 23

Someone may be in an unreasonable mood and unless you can distance yourself from them, it could affect you.

Yet if you can help them see the bigger picture, it might take the charge out of the situation.

Use the energy of the Sun-Jupiter link to rise above this matter.


October 24 to November 22

A situation may seem to clash with someone unless you nip it in the bud.

By stepping back and detaching, you’ll notice how the intensity diminishes and how positive solutions become more available.

If you’re willing to talk, it might clear things up.


November 23 to December 21

Mercury’s presence in your money zone could be a call to get organised.

One way to save money may be to use any creative skills you have to make gifts that will be totally unique. And they might be more appreciated than anything shop-bought.

See what you can do.


December 22 to January 21

Just because everyone else seems to be in a festive mood, doesn’t mean you have to be.

If you follow your natural inclinations there will be times when you want to remain low-key and others when you’ll be eager to enjoy a party or get-together.

For now, just go with the flow and don’t feel guilty.


January 22 to February 19

If you’ve endured a situation for a while then a decision to tackle it or get help could be a game-changer.

No matter how daunting it appears, your belief that it’s possible is the key to resolving it.

A positive aspect looks to be perfect for making some new friends over the weekend.


February 20 to March 20

You may be reluctant to take a friend’s advice and this might be because you feel on edge and don’t like to think they know more than you do.

Or perhaps your sixth sense is telling you not to listen to them.

Yet you’ll know the right answer when you hear it – or if it comes to you in a flash of brilliance.

Source metro.co.uk