Daily Horoscope 26 May 2021 - Astrological predictions for zodiac signs

The moon is moving into the sign of Sagittarius in the morning.

Lunar eclipse! (peak at 15:14). Remain calm, become more mindful about your health, and be careful behind the wheel.

The moon is void of course from 01:20 till 06:39. Making important decisions in this period of time or undergoing medical procedures is not recommended.


Unpleasant events may unfold. Be vigilant, and do not let obsessive thoughts control you.


Avoid spontaneous actions at work and in personal life. Meditation and other soothing techniques are beneficial for you now.


Trust your gut instinct. You may have to introduce changes to your life and mindset to live in harmony with your loved ones.


Changing your inner world is recommended today. Follow your loved one's advice; if there need be, seek solitude and create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself.


Recharge yourself with positive energy. Believing in yourself and your leadership qualities will help you attain success.


Be more flexible and try to develop a stronger sense of responsibility. Do not avoid problems; try to come up with their solutions instead.


You may have to overcome some predicaments today. Try to maintain your emotional balance and neutralize negative energy with prayers and meditation.


Get rid of unnecessary feelings and emotions. Try to pay special attention to your job and your budget.


Do not fight against negativity by using improper methods. Make efforts to find common ground with your rivals and make compromises.


Set objectives and be more caring for your loved ones. Seek to achieve harmony in your family.


Do a job that brings you happiness and try to improve your financial standing. Be active and make timely decisions.


Repel negative thoughts and take up physical activities. By doing so, you will share your energy properly and avoid impulsive behavior.