Daily horoscope for 12 Jan


March 21 to April 20

If you’ve been in two minds about an agreement or offer, then you may be no closer to knowing what to do.

As Venus continues to rewind and Mercury goes into reverse, bide your time.

Fresh options may come to light that could be better. If you’ve no option but to go ahead, be sure to have a get-out clause.


April 21 to May 21

Are old beliefs holding you back?

While they may have supported you at one time, it may now be right to substitute them for a more life-enhancing mindset.

Think about what you want to accomplish and the kind of person you would need to be to achieve your goals.


May 22 to June 21

If someone you know is in crisis, a chat could help. And if you can uncover the source of their discomfort, a solution may be possible.

Will they listen? They might if a suggestion hits the right note.

It’s also possible they need to themselves to tackle this on their own terms.


June 22 to July 23

Even if there is an unsettled feeling to the day ahead, the steady focus of the Taurus Moon and its links can help you take it in your stride.

While others may be keen for you to do something, go at your pace.

Life might be all the more enjoyable if you ignore their pleas and do things in your own time.


July 24 to August 23

Although you have an excellent opportunity to showcase your creative abilities, it’s also a good time to improve on them.

You may be aware of others who are very talented, which could push you to try even harder.

Is this justified? Yes – you may find competition spurs you on to do your best work.


August 24 to September 23

Have a deadline to deal with? Getting anxious won’t help, whereas taking a moment to map out a plan of action could be the best option.

Taking your time can allow you to work faster and perhaps do a better job.

You might also question certain beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward.


September 24 to October 23

Has someone changed their mind regarding a plan?

Don’t let it worry you, as things might turn out better for you. Go with the flow, as you’ll be in the frame of mind to make use of any opportunities.

With Mercury slowing down prior to turning retrograde, be prepared for all eventualities.


October 24 to November 22

If you find yourself running in circles, it may be because your schedule has gone awry.

Accept that there will be frustrations to deal with.

Learning to go with the flow rather than trying too hard can help but disruption isn’t all bad. It could lead to new opportunities.


November 23 to December 21

Trust that intuitive nudge, especially if it encourages you to invest in something that might be good for you.

This could range from a practical item to a treat that leaves you upbeat.

At the same time, if you find yourself yearning for something too much, hold back.


December 22 to January 21

Although an awkward issue with someone may be far from over, you could be making headway.

It might not seem much but if you persevere, before you know it you may be on the verge of reaching an agreement.

Stay steady, though, as with Neptune in the mix you could be swayed off course.


January 22 to February 19

You could either resist a situation or find a way to embrace it. Your urge may be to put up a mental barrier and steer clear of it.

This won’t change anything, though, whereas embracing it just might.

If you can be open to whatever feelings it brings up, you could feel a release of tension.


February 20 to March 20

Those in authority may expect more of you. Rather than regard this as a liability, see it as a compliment.

Indeed, with go-getter Mars at the top of your chart boosting your own authority, realise that it’s because you’re talented.

You’ll be in a good position to advise others should they want a few tips.

Source metro.co.uk