Daily Horoscope for 20 December

By Astrology Expert Keti Odisheli

The moon is void of course from 07:01 to 14:28. Making important decisions in this period of time or undergoing medical procedures are not recommended.


Be sociable and active, and infect others with your creative impulse. Expect gifts.


Today is great to resolve important issues. Do not forget to have fun, however. Buy gifts and make others happy.


Stay patient, and avoid making important decisions. Take care of your health, and try to spend your time in a peaceful atmosphere.


You may face some difficulties in your personal life; however, everything is going well at work: you can complete the tasks you have left. Do not start anything new for the time being.


Workload, information overload, and the necessity to be at lots of places during the day negatively affects you. Try to be more organized and manage your time effectively.


Today is great for financial activities or shopping. Your bosses may praise you today, with this giving you motivation.


You can now deal with different tasks, but be more prudent in managing your funds.


Be more flexible, and take reasonable steps. Keep your promises, fulfill your responsibilities, and manage your time effectively.


Today is great for professional activities and managing your personal life.


Your perseverance, hard work, and diligence will be appreciated today. New acquaintanceship now may lay the foundation for something greater in your professional life.


Maintain balance, and be farsighted. Ignore unpleasant remarks from some people, and spend more time with your family members.


Maintain balance in everything and, especially when it comes to financial issues. Take well-reasoned risks, and adopt new approaches to old issues.