Daily horoscope for 25 December 2021

General Daily Insight for December 25, 2021

Pleasure and satisfaction take on a whole new importance as luxe Venus forms her yearly conjunction with potent Pluto in Capricorn, intensifying all our deepest desires. It should be easier than ever to speak our feelings and manifest them into something real and useful when the lovely Virgo Moon trines Mercury, also in Capricorn, at 3:08 pm EST to bring us clarity. Even so, we might still have to rub some fog from our eyes when the Moon opposes mystical Neptune in the evening.


March 21-April 19

Major transformations could occur today, impacting how people see you and what they believe you're capable of. Thanks to a powerful alignment between precious Venus and high-powered Pluto in your 10th House of Career and Achievements, you might be offered the opportunity to make a name for yourself -- the sort of name that people may remember and deeply appreciate! An authority figure or other VIP could decide you deserve a reward such as a hefty end-of-year bonus, and you've likely earned it!


April 20-May 20

The world has something truly special to offer you today, as your ruler, pleasure-loving Venus, is coming together for a once-a-year alignment with transformative Pluto. Both of these planets are camped out in your 9th House of Expansion and Foreign Cultures at the moment, encouraging you to open your mind. A lovely opportunity to widen your world could come from far, far away, so be sure to accept any enticing invitations that you may receive -- the rewards might be quite wonderful!


May 21-June 20

The planets could bring a gorgeous opportunity to your doorstep at any moment, so get ready to sit back and let their rewards rain down on you. Venus, the planet of pleasure and money, is forming a unique conjunction with power-player Pluto in your 8th House of Shared Resources. This is a great day for you to accept a delightful gift from a companion or a reward thanks to some work you did with others, so don't hesitate to enjoy yourself!


June 21-July 22

Today could mark a major milestone in one of your relationships, regardless of whether it's platonic, professional, or passionate. Amorous Venus and intimate Pluto are merging their energies in a once-a-year conjunction in your 7th House of Partnerships, putting the focus on your loved ones. Someone special could bring a truly game-changing opportunity your way or offer you a gift that's more than you could have ever dreamed of. There's a lot to be thankful for -- possibly from one person in particular!


July 23-August 22

Something major may be falling into your lap when it comes to work and professional matters, Leo! Delightful Venus is coming together with alchemical Pluto in your 6th House of Work and Routine, opening a window of opportunity to really earn your worth -- and perhaps a little extra while you're at it. Regardless, it won't hurt to try! The same sector also deals with your health, so this might be a good time to schedule a check-up or initiate a new exercise regime.


August 23-September 22

This could be one of the most memorable days you've had in quite some time! Thanks to a rare conjunction between rich Venus and deep-thinking Pluto in your sector of passion and creativity, you're being offered an amazing chance to show everyone what you are all about. If you're an artistic type, this could be the perfect day to share your work with the world. Even if you aren't, your work might still be noticed by someone very important who can help widen your audience.


September 23-October 22

Potent possibilities currently simmer within your home. Venus, your ruler and the planet of love and beauty, is coming into a conjunction with powerful Pluto that only happens once a year. Under such a unique combination, a family member or roommate could surprise you with a really wonderful gift or opportunity! You never know when someone will change everything in a truly gorgeous way. It's also a terrific time to host people at your place, so open up your doors to those you love.


October 23-November 21

Interesting things can be found around every corner today -- you should keep your eyes and ears open, because you'll want to be ready to respond to anything. Valuable Venus and exceptional Pluto are syncing up to make a rare conjunction at the same degree in your 3rd House of Local Community and Communication. Look for something fun happening in your neighborhood, such as an art gallery or music event, because the most magical things can happen nearer than you might think!


November 22-December 21

An almost literal golden opportunity could arrive at your door, thanks to the stunning alignments shining overhead. Venus, the planet of money, is forming an intriguing conjunction with extreme Pluto in your 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Security. If you've been working a lot recently, then you could finally begin reaping a big reward for all that you've sowed -- or the opportunity to start earning even more may come your way. Receiving a last-minute gift is also a possibility!


December 22-January 19

People will have a hard time missing the inviting energy you could radiate today, so don't be shocked if they stare! Venus, the goddess of beauty, is aligning with magnetic Pluto in your 1st House of Self-Expression, giving you an incredibly powerful allure. This is a great time to experiment with your appearance, but remember that with Venus currently retrograde, you would be wise to hold off on any major or permanent transformations, like tattoos or total makeovers. Look for some fun temporary changes instead.


January 20-February 18

There's something mysterious brewing overhead that could leave you feeling like you're floating through a fantasy land. Indulgent Venus is forming her annual conjunction with deep Pluto in your dreamy 12th House of the Subconscious. This realm rules all the unseen aspects of your life, so something could occur quite literally out of the blue that has a deep impact on you. Luckily, Venus wants you to find some happiness in it, so there's no need to fear. Let yourself live and grow peacefully!


February 19-March 20

Hanging out with friends could bring even more joy than usual, thanks to the bountiful energy lighting up today. It's a terrific time to get together and catch up with the people you love, particularly when darling Venus dances into alignment with exceptional Pluto in your 11th House of Social Groups. Try to link up with friends early in the day and take in any local festivities. Don't hide away and miss out on the fun, because days like this are too rare!

Source www.chicagotribune.com