Daily horoscope for April 4

The moon is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn.


Care for your daily activities and refrain from innovation and experimentation. It will not do you any good and may even harm the case.


Be careful in your relationship, as disagreements and harsh criticism can not be ruled out. It is best not to give in to resentment and tactfully avoid quarrels.


You will be able to take control of the situation, and this will help you achieve your goal. It is advisable to show mercy to others and is more respectful of collegial relations.


Do not give in to doubts and trust yourself. Maintain emotional balance. If you cannot do this, then ask other people for help when making important decisions.

a lion

It is advisable not to harbor illusions and logically, based on the facts, analyze the questions that cause you doubts. This way, you will be guaranteed the desired results.


Spend time with loved ones. Together with the rest, please manage to exchange ideas about plans for the future. You have a chance to come up with something practical together.


You may play a positive role in a sudden quarrel or conflict. It will be enough if you try to sort things out with balanced action and sound reasoning.


Do only things that are interesting to you to avoid mistakes and reproaches. If possible, it is better to rest on this day.


Ambition wakes up in you, and the desire to change everything, both in personal and business spheres, increases. Soon the situation will show that you have every chance of getting what you want.


Chances are, you will need to make very important decisions that will completely change your purpose in life.


Trust strangers less and be careful, especially in financial matters, as losses are expected. Be careful not to fall prey to fraud.


Go outside the box and experiment boldly. With perseverance and bold steps, combined with a bit of dexterity, you will quickly get what you want.

Astrologer Keti Odisheli prepared the article.