Daily horoscope for April 5

The moon enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius in the evening.

The moon with no course is from 11:05 – 17:04. Deeds launched this time will unlikely provide results; no medical manipulations remain recommended.


You should be ambitious and practical in any field, but your allies will remain satisfied with your business advice and today’s relations.


It would be best if you got rid of extra contacts and refrain from clarifying relationships. Do something positive and use a sense of humor if needed.


Follow life and do not start doing difficult things to avoid disappointment. Do not waste time and energy on risky ideas.


This day will pass positively if you compromise and request less from your colleagues and relatives. Be patient and delicate.


You may see innovations regarding events from your childhood. You may meet a person you have not seen for a long time.


Launch only the critical things to do. End what you begin to do, and in this way, you will get rid of errors.


Pay attention to any information. Listen to others and be kinder.


You’ll be successful when signing agreements or holding negotiations, primarily if the case refers to financial issues, investments, or budget planning.


You may make decisions independently as you believe it will be beneficial for all. Such an action will cause conflicts and misunderstandings.


It’s essential to be more attentive to the precious people that demand your care and wait for you.


You may witness something unusual, and it may be hard for you to perceive it as it is. It will be difficult for you to act rationally.


Follow tested and experienced ways in business and private life. Act carefully, with moderately thought steps.

Astrologer Keti Odisheli prepared the article.