Daily horoscope for February 15, 2021

The moon is in the zodiac sign of Aries.


The main thing is your interests and your ambitions. Use all means to make others see your strengths and capabilities.


Be flexible. If you cannot change the adverse situation that has arisen, try to get used to it and not lose control of current events. Calm down and watch the reactions of others.


It is advisable to treat misunderstandings with humor. Your heightened sense of justice can offend many and you will have to defend against their attacks.


Please show prudence, take preventive measures. It will make your life easier. Besides, you will surprise others with the plans drawn up today.

a lion

Perhaps you will be involved in someone else's conflict. Try to neutralize the tension. Just keep in mind that you don't need to protect anyone and reconcile the parties.


You will fundamentally try to carry your thought and not yield anything to your real or imagined rivals. Don't be merciless, and don't make yourself regret your actions in the future.


Don't be overly categorical and demanding in relation to others. Look for a middle ground in a relationship to avoid confrontation and disagreement on a particular issue.


No matter how others try to provoke you, refrain from harsh statements and criticism. Try to treat all difficult questions with humor.


Today, overconfidence and harsh statements will do you great damage. It is advisable to refrain from resolving controversial issues and confrontations.


To solve the problems, it is desirable to find ways to solve them peacefully and stop putting pressure on relatives. Don't be violent in your relationship.


Think carefully before deciding something. Weigh everything so as not to be in an uncomfortable position. Do not be groundlessly offended by criticism.


Your desire for financial independence is increasing. You are more likely to start looking for additional financial income sources, a new job, or perhaps turn to management for a pay raise. Take action.

Astrologer Keti Odisheli prepared the article.