Daily horoscope for Nov 2

General Daily Insight for November 2, 2021

Changes may occur at light speed today as picky Mercury forms a tense square to intense Pluto at 5:39 am EDT. Instead of fussing over the details, we should focus on the big picture. The sooner we can concentrate on everything working out overall, the smoother we can make any transitions happen. Let the universe take care of any pesky paperwork or permissions necessary for a breakthrough to occur. Finally, a sweet trine between the balanced Moon and dedicated Saturn brings more emotional stability.


March 21-April 19

An imposing official may not want to reach a compromise. For now, it might be best to do things their way -- even if you disagree with their approach. Sometimes, you need to know when to walk away. Fortunately, a loved one will likely be there to reassure you that all is well. Thanks to their support, you can maintain your dignity and find the opportunities for growth available in this stressful situation. Remember that it's OK to ask for emotional support when you need it.


April 20-May 20

This isn't a good day to argue with an expert, even if they have frustrating or heavy-handed methods that you don't like. While you would likely prefer to catch flies with honey instead of vinegar, this situation may require directly talking to them to get past any unpleasantness. On the other hand, you could distract yourself by working on a professional project that requires your focus, really paying attention to its details. Finishing this endeavor could net you some well-deserved praise.


May 21-June 20

The resources you need might not be available at the moment. Rather than dwelling on this lack, try to find a workaround with the tools you already have. People might be quite impressed with the results, and your resourceful behavior could be appreciated by a creative person who's dealt with similar challenges. Don't brush off any compliments from them -- this could be the start of a deep friendship. The two of you may even decide to team up for an inspiring artistic collaboration.


June 21-July 22

You might feel tired of being taken for granted by someone you're close with. Giving way to their demands could be making a bad situation worse, and it may be time to summon your emotions for a heart-to-heart talk. By stating what you need from this partnership, you can make it stronger or pave the way for a more rewarding alliance. Either way, there are benefits to be found. Later, a heartfelt encounter could wipe away any tears and remind you of your tremendous worth.


July 23-August 22

This may be a good day to look for fresh career opportunities in your profession. It's possible that some ridiculous demands and fruitless discussions about them have been really weighing on you in your current position. Working smarter, not harder, will give you more time for the leisure you love! Fortunately, someone likely needs a new employee with your precise skill set. By describing your dream job to friends and family, you could attract something that feels more like play than work.


August 23-September 22

Any potential discussions about compensation could be tricky. Right now isn't the best time to ask for a raise or enter salary negotiations. While it is good to be paid what you're worth, consider waiting a few days to bring up the issue. The powers that be will probably be more receptive to your demands in the future. In the meantime, seek out a colleague or friend who appreciates all you do. Just being in their company can keep your self-esteem high!


September 23-October 22

Although your gift with words is probably very strong, it may not be enough to sweet talk a stubborn relative. Ultimately, this family member might do what they feel is best -- even if it's inconvenient for everyone else. Don't get sucked into an argument that drains your energy! Remember things that truly bring you joy, like creative projects or other relationships in your life. Balancing yourself like that can inspire you to wish your loved one well and let them follow their own star.


October 23-November 21

If anything gets under your skin, Scorpio, it's being given an order! Unfortunately, that's just what a close relative or neighbor might do. Don't unleash your wrath just yet -- first, consider how you can benefit from playing along. By meeting any extraordinary demands, no one can accuse you of being uncooperative. That can help you gain the freedom to set your own schedule. Being able to organize the ways you spend your time any way you want would be a handsome reward.


November 22-December 21

Someone could be trying to hold their superior financial position over your head -- they may have mistaken your optimistic outlook for a naïve one. Happily, you can likely spot tricksters and manipulators from miles away. Don't let them control you! Instead, try to devise a fun or humorous way to beat them at their own game. You could even make an alliance with a seasoned professional who appreciates your work. You can find better options for making money than any charlatan could offer.


December 22-January 19

There's nothing wrong with listening to other opinions, even when they vary greatly from your own. Take today to consider if a clever person in an organization you belong to has a concept that's worth trying. Even if their approach departs wildly from the traditional method, it could be remarkably effective. If this idea fails, you can always revert to Plan A. If it works, then you've gained a valuable new method of getting stuff done in this area. Take the chance to find out!


January 20-February 18

Holding on to a grudge won't serve you well, particularly right now. It may be difficult for you to release slights and unfair situations, but consider how you might be being unfair to yourself by remaining angry. Luckily, someone you admire could understand and sympathize with your situation. Try reaching out to them for a pep talk! Hearing their take on your situation may make it easier to move on to greener pastures. A new role as an innovative leader might be right around the corner!


February 19-March 20

You might be ready to make a change, but people in your social circle could want you to stay put. Trying to make everyone happy will be an exercise in futility, so make stepping into your own power a priority today. Whether this means embarking on a personal passion project or investing your resources in a new business doesn't matter -- the important thing is to follow your heart! Let your soul guide you to your true north so you can reap the amazing benefits.

Source Chicago Tribune