November 26 astrological forecast

22-23rd day of the moon. At this critical moment, this day will give you a second chance. Fortune today loves those who take risks. Today's phrase is - "He who does not take risks, does not drink champagne." The aspect of the Moon in Leo pushes you to Jupiter, bet a lot, and get a challenge from fate.

Winning requires energy and moral investment. Keep in mind that the risks are high.


It is a wonderful day for a career. Be active, express your individualism.


Listen more to your loved ones and colleagues. Do not follow selfishness; therefore, the day will end peacefully.


It is a successful day for financial operations and project production. Pay attention to the impulsiveness in character. In the evening you may be invited to dinner in the company of nice people.


Try to spend the day in the usual rhythm, do not take a new job. Spend time in the afternoon with friends.


This is a wonderful day for creative activities. Spend more time with people close to you.


Be highly motivated, which is the key to a successful day—a better time for career pursuits.


Today it is better to be objective and rational. It will be very useful for your business. Relax in the afternoon and dedicate time to your image.


Unexpected positive changes today may turn your mood for the better. Express more love and gratitude to those around you and the world.


Try to complete all the initiatives and fulfill the promises made to your relatives and colleagues. It is a very fruitful day in terms of business.


Pay special attention to your job and career; today, positive developments are present in this area.


Do not pay attention to the gossip; concentrate on your work. Spend more time in the evening with your family members.


It is a positive day for you. Do not be isolated, be active; it is a wonderful day for negotiations and meetings.