Pretrial hearing in Rustavi 2 case to be held

A pretrial hearing in the Rustavi 2 case is set to be held in the City Court at 2 pm. The defendants are former Director General of the Rustavi 2 TV Company Nika Gvaramia, former Finance Director Kakha Damenia and Director of Inter Media Plus Zurab Iashvili.   

Nika Gvaramia and Kakha Damenia have been charged with embezzlement and squandering assets of Rustavi 2, commercial bribery, forgery, legalization of illegal income, and abuse of power. Nika Gvaramia has had his bail set at GEL 40,000; plus, he is not allowed to leave the country. 

The court set Kakha Damenia's bail bond at GEL 50,000; he was also denied the right to cross Georgia's border. 

As regards Zurab Iashvili, he is facing commercial bribery and forgery charges, with his bail bond being determined at GEL 50,000.