US State Department: Georgia is still in the first place in the fight against trafficking

The US Department of State has published a 2021 report on the fight against human trafficking worldwide.

According to the report, “Georgia is still in the first place in the world in terms of measures taken by states against human trafficking. Georgia is one of the 190 assessed countries that fully meets the anti-trafficking standards and continues to provide consistent and coordinated anti-trafficking measures on an ongoing basis, the Ministry of Justice reveals.

The US Department of State notes that Georgia, despite the pandemic and difficulties caused by COVID-19, continues its strong and sustained efforts to combat trafficking, which leads to a positive assessment of the country - Georgia has the highest rating with a 4-point rating system.

In terms of effective fight against trafficking, Georgia is on the side of the EU countries - Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Finland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.

Georgia is again the only Eastern Partnership (EAP) country to take first place this year.