Scientists find link between coffee and infant weight

According to the conclusion of scientists from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, pregnant women who drink coffee give birth to children with less weight and body size than women who have eliminated coffee from their daily diet.

As explained by the Doctor of Medicine and one of the authors of the study, the data showed that it is necessary to limit or eliminate caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. In the case of women who consume 50 milligrams of caffeine a day, the baby is 66 grams less than the baby of women who do not consume caffeine at all.

According to scientists, caffeine causes the narrowing of blood vessels in the placenta, reducing the blood supply to the fetus and slowing down its growth. In addition, researchers believe that this substance may interfere with the production of stress hormones, which is why a baby may develop rapid weight gain and obesity after birth.

Caffeine also increases the chances of developing heart disease and diabetes in the future.