Gharibashvili about Pride: This rally should not take place on Rustaveli Avenue

The Prime Minister of Georgia released a statement regarding the "Tbilisi Pride" rally.

"As you know, our state protects the rights of all citizens. We do not discriminate against any of our citizens. For this, as you know, we have adopted an anti-discrimination law.

We have a centuries-old history, an example of coexistence and those distinguished by religion or another mark never had problems.

Consequently, those people have the right to hold marches today; it is their constitutional right, and the state has provided everything for that. They had the events yesterday and the day before that, but I consider it unreasonable to hold the march announced today.

Today's rally contains the threat of civil strife. This is unacceptable for most of the population, and I think that today's rally should not be held on Rustaveli Avenue.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained to the organizers of the rally announced by them contains certain risks. Therefore, they offered to choose another location as an alternative, and I would like to call on them to take into account this recommendation," Irakli Gharibashvili said.