Media can no longer attend sessions - restrictions in the Parliament

Due to the prevention of the new coronavirus, most of the staff at the Parliament switched to remote mode. They will attend work only when needed.

Media representatives received additional recommendations. There is one location for journalists in the building, where lawmakers will make statements, an area near the Parliament Bureau Room. From tomorrow, the media will move near the Session Hall. There is a tribune placed to keep the distance between respondents and journalists. Also, journalists were advised not to attend committee meetings and observe the live broadcast on the official website of the Parliament and Public Broadcaster's second channel.

Journalists will not be allowed on the balcony during the session week, while lawmakers will work in the legislature as usual.

According to the press service, during the session week, the lawmakers will follow all the recommendations given for the prevention of the new coronavirus.

At the same time, the relevant departments carried out additional disinfection works at the Parliament today.