Red Cross fails to visit Zaza Gakheladze wounded by occupation regime

Despite the attempts, the Red Cross representatives were not able to visit Zaza Gakheladze, hospitalized in Tskhinvali yesterday.

Tskhinvali cited several reasons for the refusal, including pandemics.

Representatives of the Red Cross met with family members yesterday and told them that they would visit Zaza Gakheladze.

According to the family members, Zaza Gakheladze, who was wounded and detained by the occupation regime, contacted them by phone but did not talk about the details.

A 33-year-old Zaza Gakheladze got detained on July 11 at the so-called occupation borderline and taken to Tskhinvali prison. Earlier, he was shot in the leg. Gakheladze is currently in Tskhinvali hospital.