Talakvadze: Russia will have to take responsibility for these acts

“Russian Federation continues the occupation of Georgian territories and communication through provocation, which is inapplicable,” - says the Chairman of the Parliament, reacting on the teenager’s kidnapping.

According to Talakvadze, the whole world has witnessed the reaction of the United States and the European Union member countries on the provocation and cyber-attack from Russia to our country.

“I am sure that Russia has to pay for these acts in the frames of international law. Russia persists with the provocations despite our principle reaction. From our side, we care about the security of our country, and we will manage to stop it through the peaceful, principle steps, reforms, development of our defensive capacity, integration with NATO and European structures,” – says Talakvadze

Tskhinvali de-facto government arrested a 17-year-old boy in Kirbali village of the Gori region. The State Security Service to confirm information.