Zurabishvili puts forth initiative to teach constitution to schoolchildren

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili has published a statement in which she emphasized the importance of the Constitution and put forward the initiative to teach it and its principles in schools. 

Today marks the day of the Constitution of Georgia!

The Constitution of Georgia constitutes the basis of Georgian statehood; it is a fundamental document of the Georgian people; it is a bridge among generations, the path to development, the model of the future. It is a symbol of constitutional stability, unity and national independence.

Despite Georgia having ancient legal documents, the history of the Constitution starts in 1918, when the Act of Independence was adopted, with the draft constitution formulated later. 

The 1921 Constitution is a symbol of freedom in our history. Despite it preceding to Georgia's occupation by few days only, it proved to be critical for our freedom and the restoration of statehood and independence, which we gained in 1991," Zurabishvili said, adding that the Georgian people managed to destroy improper legal reasoning, succeeded in changing the government via elections and adopted a new constitution in line with the international standards and norms. 

"The Constitution is a living creature, which grows, develops with us and demonstrates the stages of the state's development. The next phase which we must enter is the restoration of our territorial integrity, with this not being the issue of territories and frontiers only," the President declared, adding that the Constitution can play a pivotal role in achieving this mission.

"Precisely for this reason, I am putting forward the initiative to teach the Constitution and its principles in schools," Salome Zurabishvili concluded.