Antarctica to change completely in 5 years

Scientists say that the Thwaites Glacier might collapse in the near future, and sea levels may rise significantly, the BBC writes.

An international research team has determined that the Thwaites Glacier is likely to collapse in five years, significantly accelerating ice destabilization in West Antarctica.

The Thwaites Glacier is located in West Antarctica. It was named in honor of glaciologist Frederik T. Thwaites. It is also known as the Doomsday Glacier. The speed of movement of the glacier surface is more than 2 km per year, and it is the widest glacier in the world.

It is noteworthy that its decline has doubled in the last 30 years. Scientists say that its complete melting will cause the sea level to rise by more than 0.6 m. If the Thwaites collapses, it will take away most of the ice in West Antarctica and change the shape of the entire continent.

In 2018, a Thwaites Glacier International Cooperation project was set up to monitor the glacier. It involves nearly 100 scientists collecting and studying data on ice, surrounding waters, and future changes.

For reference, the past six months have been the coldest in Antarctica history.

However, scientists suggest that fires were once fought on the coldest continent on Earth.

Scientists have discovered new lakes hidden under the ice of Antarctica.