Coronavirus is more hazardous for men why?

“Invisible Enemy” has already killed 60,000 people. Researches are trying to collect more and more information about the virus to make the fight against it to be more efficient.

According to one of the theories, the hazard of death caused by coronavirus is more common in men. Over 44,000 cases studied since the epidemic outburst in China have demonstrated that the death indicator in men is 2.8% and in women is 1.7%.

The same data are detected in Italy. According to the Health Institute information, the death indicator shows 10.6 in men and only 6 in women.

It is noteworthy that during the precious epidemics of coronavirus groups (SARS ad MERS), the same trend was exhibited.

Scientists cannot be sure to state the gender inequality of deaths caused by the virus, though it may be the fact that more men are tobacco and alcohol consumers compared to women.