Human life expectancy to be 125-132 years by 2100

Scientists at the University of Washington have determined that by the end of the 21st century, the average life expectancy could be 125-132 years, a Demographic Research study reveals.

The oldest person in the world was Jeanne Louise Calment, a French citizen who lived to be 122 years old and died in 1997. The oldest person on the planet at this time is a Japanese woman, Kane Tanaka, who is 118 years old.

During the study, the scientists conducted statistical modeling, which included parameters such as the development of medicine, genetics, and other characteristics.

It turned out that at the end of the century, people could live until the age of 125-132. According to experts, the probability that human life expectancy by 2100 will increase to 126 years is 89%. The probability of surviving to 128 years - 44%, and up to 130 years - 13%.