Robots are learning to sweat

One of the most amazing qualities of a human being is the sweating process, which protects the body from overheating. Robots will soon be able to do this too.

“We’re not the fastest animals, but early humans found success as persistent hunters, using our ability to run and stay cool,” material scientist T.J. Wallin stated.

Most robots made from metal, are good at dispersing heat by itself. But soft robots, designed for delicate tasks like medical procedures, are made from rubber, an excellent insulator. If and when soft robots become commonplace, they’ll need their ways to cool down.

It may not seem like much to you now, but if you look at how technology is evolving, imagine that in the future, it will be hard to figure out the difference between a robot and a human being. This technology brings us closer to science fiction movies and is another step forward.

Source: Theverge