Scientists create matter from pure energy

Scientists working on a STAR detector at the Brookhaven National Laboratory say they have discovered a new form of matter. They received confirmation of two physical phenomena predicted 80 years ago, Physical Review Letters writes.

Experts have proven that matter can be created from direct light and that magnetism can bend polarized photons into a vacuum. The proof is that pairs of electrons and positrons can be created with very energetic photons, quantum "favors" of light.

The conversion of energetic light into matter directly results from E = mc², Einstein's famous equation, which states that energy and matter (or mass) are interchangeable. Nuclear reactions on the sun and at nuclear power plants regularly convert matter into energy.

In addition, the results of the study show that the path of light through a magnetic field in a vacuum is folded differently depending on how the light is polarized. These polarization-related deviations are observed when light passes through certain materials.