Broad quarantine enforced in Lentekhi

Broader quarantine measures have gone into effect in the town of Lentekhi, Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Chikovani declared at a briefing at the administration of the government. Four recently confirmed in-town transmission of the novel virus has led the government to make the decision.

Measures similar to those carried out in Marneuli and Bolnisi municipalities have been introduced in Lentekhi. Locals have been banned from entering and leaving the town; however, essential services, including groceries or medical services, among others, have remained in operation.

"The MIA and defense forces will be in charge of checkpoints. Screening has already started here, with all locals set to be examined. These measures have proved immensely productive in Bolnisi and Marneuli," Chikovani declared, adding that all these steps taken in each municipality will prove insufficient unless all citizens follow the given recommendations.

Four people have tested positive for coronavirus in the town of Lentekhi. The recently diagnosed citizens are family members of a 53-year-old man who tested positive for the novel virus yesterday.

Mayor of Lentekhi Badri Liparteliani said that around 50 contacts of the 53-year-old have already been traced.