Cannabis consumption increases risk of stroke

According to CNN, young people who use marijuana are among those at risk for heart problems. Information is confirmed by research of the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. According to the researchers, young people who frequently use marijuana are at risk of stroke.

The results of the study showed that 52% of marijuana users have arrhythmia, increased heart rate and pain in the heart area.

15- to 24-year-old weed users had 1.28 times higher odds of having to go to the hospital for heart problems and 25- to 34-year-old users faced 1.52 times higher odds.

“The effects of using cannabis are seen within 15 minutes and last for around three hours. At lower doses, it is linked to a rapid heartbeat. At higher doses, it is linked to a too-slow heartbeat", Dr. Rikinkumar S. Patel of the Griffin Memorial Hospital in Norman, Oklahoma said.

Marijuana consumption is decriminalized in Georgia.